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  • glitteringandy9

Cheater- script sample

Updated: Sep 12, 2021

Today's blog post is a snippet from my script, Cheater. It had a beautiful run at Hollywood Fringe Fest and I look forward to submitting it to other festivals. I was blessed with an amazing and talented cast. Please enjoy this glimpse into Cheater.


I’m not talking to you!

Ok, (hesitant) I haven’t been completely honest. I’ve tried to be but how can I even explain this?


I can’t wait to hear this


Well honest, there’s no secrets now


Babe, I have never been with this guy, I swear. I don’t even really know him.

Martin angrily pulls cell phone out of his pocket and pulls up a photo


Then explain this!

On Martin’s phone we see a dick pic. Migi looks down embarrassed.


Oh my god, that’s your...


(dejected) dick. Babe, I’m so sorry.


That’s right! His dick pic is my screen saver!


So, that’s it. You cheated.


No, I mean, it’s not that easy…


How can you deny it?

I have all these pictures of us together! Are you gonna deny these too?


Stop it. You don’t know what

Migi groans in pain, body folds

REGAL (cont’d)

Aarrrghh It’s not what you...think

Martin looks at Migi like he’s crazy. Pablito stares at Migi confused and concerned. Migi steps away from them and tries to regain composure, turns to them and speaks


Look, you deserve an explanation. You both do. It’s so hard to say this.

(to Martin) I really don’t... know you. I’ve never met you.

Fuck...I really never had to say this out loud.


Mostly because we never stick around long enough for this to happen.


I haven’t been honest with you, not completely honest anyways

Trying to soften the blow


But more honest than we have ever been with anyone...


More honest than ever? Is that supposed to make me feel better?

Migi is frustrated. He turns away and begins to pace and have a discussion with himself, while Pablito and Martin watch, shocked. They interact with each other as Migi speaks to himself.


Fuck, I’m rambling,


Just say it, no need to hide it now


Just give me a second, ok?


Just do it


Fine! Fine!

Takes a second to gather his courage, then speaks quickly, like ripping off a bandaid.

MIGI (cont’d)

I’m possessed by a demon who takes over my body, mostly while I’m sleeping, whew!

Silence for a second.


I can’t believe you said it out loud!

Migi looks to Pablito and Martin to see their response. They look at him completely silent. He stares waiting for a response.



Long pause, they all look back and forth at each other


What the fuck was that? I know you can be kinda extra but really? A demon?



I don’t even know what to say to that.

Migi speaking directly to Pablito


I’m trying to be honest.

Speaking to Regal

MIGI (cont’d)

Well? Say something. Are you just gonna hide now? Help me out.


Oh my god. You’re really fucking sick!



Is that it, Babe? Are you sick? Is it a brain thing, like, like multiple personalities?

Pablito walks to Migi.

PABLITO (cont'd)

God, what is going on with my life that I’m hoping my boyfriend has multiple personalities? I really can’t...

Pablito pauses, then turns and begins to walk towards the door, hurt,

PABLITO (cont)

I’m out. You can have him if you want



No! Wait, babe.

Migi yells. In the desperation, Regal takes over and his full demonic voice is heard. It’s so powerful, it shakes the room. Everyone is in shock and realizes Migi is indeed possessed by a demon

Q2 Red flash of light and hold, when Regal yells stop.



Pablito stops dead in his tracks. Frightened, he slowly turns to face Migi. Martin is frozen in his spot, eyes wide, he slowly raises his hand up and takes a crucifix off the wall, clutching it.

REGAL (cont)

He speaks the truth. We share this body.

Migi sits, exhausted. Martin repeatedly makes a cross with his fingers, eyes darting around the room, looking for an escape, backing slowly into the corner.


What the fuck??

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